My Photos

  • Informations

    Welcome to my photo space. Visit the image categories below and download them if you like. You can thus enhance your environment, free of charge. 
    legal information

  • Downloads

    Discover here the top downloads, the most successful images.

    Le top images

  • swimming in paradise


    Seychelles photos to download. What a dream. Go to Seychelles 12 photos
    [last update: February 16, 2020] 
  • Sunsets

    Some pictures of Charente-Maritime where its blazing sunsets never leave you indifferent. Sunsets  22 photos
    [last update: january 2, 2022] 

  • Landscapes & sites

    Some beautiful images of the world, my region and elsewhere.
    Landscapes & sites  31 photos
    [last update: january 2, 2022] 
  • Textures

    Textures, head in the clouds. Space ... and more.
    Textures  17 photos
    [last update: february 18, 2020]
  • at table !

    My Art

    Photos, art, atmospheres, some personal views..
    My Art  17 photos
    [last update: march 7, 2020]
  • Nature

    Nature photos, images of what surrounds us with simplicity.
    Nature  26 photos
    [last update: january 2, 2022]
  • Marines

    The sea, the beach, marine atmospheres
    Marines  5 photos
    [online :  february 23, 2020]

  • I am waiting for you

    Animal attitude

    The animal world, attitudes, postures...  Animal attitude 17 photos
    [last update :  march 14, 2020]