WolfoRan Shredder
WolfoRan Shredder 3.20 is a paper shredder from files of all types. The data files that are submitted to treatment are crushed by multiple re-writes specific strings and random at the location of the original file. Each byte, each octet is rewritten. At the end of the process of grinding of the data, the file is renamed 27 times on and then deleted.
Destructive digital files
The process varies depending on the chosen level, the size of the file to be treated and the power of the system. Next the work required it may take more or less time during treatment, especially during the destruction of directories containing thousands of files.
Overwrite data on hard disk, USB stick and floppy. The files write-protected (read-only) are treated without user intervention.
Accelerated process of crushing: While retaining its unique and safe method, timeliness was geared down to the destruction of large files quickly.
The destruction of files and folders is recursive, that is, everything is deleted, even the hidden elements to some directories. So be sure what you are doing, because it can permanently remove all data from a hard drive, a USB key or floppy disk. On error, you can pause and stop the destruction process at any time but be aware that any file whose crushing process has been initiated will be lost definitively pass is sufficient to render it unusable.
Adding one or more files at once, so you can choose any file to any location on the disc, or use different media.
Adding complete directories in the list for destruction from the Explorer or from a dialog box.
Direct access to directories and system files, the primary user and all users, through a "system Directories" button drop-down menu with direct access, such as the Windows recycle bin, temporary internet files, recent documents, etc ...
1 - Nombres aléatoires 1 cycle
2 - Simples zéros 1 cycle
3 - GOST p50739-95 (russie) 2 cycles
4 - DoD 5220.22-M (USA) 3 cycles
5 - HMG IS5 (British) 3 cycles
6 - US Air Force 5020 3 cycles
7 - US Army AR380-19 3 cycles
8 - Méthode de Bruce Schneier 7 cycles
9 - BSI VSITR (Allemagne) 7 cycles
10 - Canadian OPS-II 7 cycles
11 - WolfoRan Crunch (France) 13 cycles
12 - Méthode de Peter Gutmann 35 cycles
Additional tools
By one of the main interface button, you can view WolfoRan Shredder options you offer additional powerful cleaning tools including:
WolfoRan OFDS (Overwrite Free Disk Space) to ensure data overwriting previously deleted and always present on the surface of the hard disk or other media. OFDS handles deep clean free space or not yet allocated.
IndexDat Cleaner, the tool to completely erase internet browsing traces or Windows use. Locked Index.dat files are erased computer restart
SWAP Cleaner, allows one-click deciding cleaning the swap file or not. If you enable the cleaning of the swap, the operation will be performed on the next reboot of the computer. Virtual memory is overwritten with zeros. Creates a closed system longer and it is necessary to let the system through once it is launched.
DataRescue, intelligent backup solution of your favorite files. You select the files and directories that should be backed up regularly, and only those. So you have total control over the system time spent on this task and save as necessary.
Backup Registry, Simplified backup and restoration of BdR (Registry Database) Windows. Operations performed in a Click!
WolfoRan Rename, a file renaming tool, of all types and in large quantities.
Fast Cleaner, for a quick clean usage tracks and unnecessary or outdated files.
Technical characteristics
File size : 11.2 MB
Type : Automatic install and uninstall
Date : 2011/10/02
Langage : French
Version :
OS : Windows only
Compatibles systems : Xp (sp2 - sp3) / Vista / 7 - 32 bits et 64 bits (WOW64)
We recommend that you uninstall version 3.10 before installing 3.20